How Do You Store Cheese Hampers?

To ensure the freshness and quality of cheese hampers and accompaniments, proper storage is essential. Here's how you can store them:


  1. Refrigeration: Remove the cheese from the hamper and put them in the refrigerator to maintain their freshness.

  2. Temperature: Keep the refrigerator temperature between 34-38°F (1-3°C) to ensure the cheese stay firm without freezing.

  3. Consume Promptly: Cheese truckles are best enjoyed within a reasonable timeframe to savour their optimal flavour and texture. Check the expiration date.


  1. Cool, Dry Place: Most accompaniments such and crackers and chutneys can be left in the hamper in a cool dry cupboard.

By following these storage tips, you can maintain the quality and freshness of your cheese hamper, ensuring a delightful tasting experience when you're ready to gift it or enjoy it yourself.

All products on our store will typically have at least 3 months shelf live if store correctly.