How to Eat a Truckle of Cheese & What is a Cheese Truckle - Cheese Hamper

How to Eat a Truckle of Cheese & What is a Cheese Truckle

How to Eat a Truckle of Cheese: A Guide to the Delightful Experience

If you’ve come across a "truckle" of cheese and are wondering what it is and how to eat it, don’t worry—you’re not alone. In fact, asking how to enjoy a truckle of cheese is far from a silly question. Whether you're a cheese aficionado or just beginning your journey into the world of cheese, understanding and appreciating a truckle of cheese can greatly enhance your culinary experience.

What is a Truckle of Cheese?

A truckle is a cylindrical block of cheese, traditionally weighing around 200g or more. The term "truckle" originates from the old English word "trochle," which means a small wheel or cylinder. In cheesemaking, it refers to the shape rather than a specific type of cheese. So, when you see a truckle, think of it as a charming, bite-sized version of a cheese wheel.

Many popular cheeses, including Cheddar, are made into truckles. A 200g Cheddar truckle, for instance, is a small, compact version of the larger wheels of Cheddar you might see ageing in a cellar or on display in a gourmet cheese shop. This size makes truckles perfect for individual consumption or sharing at a gathering.

Why Eating a Truckle Isn’t a Silly Question

When you encounter a truckle, you might wonder how to best enjoy it. Do you cut it like a pie? Do you eat the rind? Do you need to let it sit out? These are all valid questions because cheese, especially artisanal varieties, can be delicate and full of nuanced flavours that deserve to be savoured properly.

How to Eat a Truckle of Cheese

Here’s a step-by-step guide to enjoying your truckle of cheese, particularly a 200g Cheddar truckle:

  1. Bring it to Room Temperature: Cheese is best enjoyed at room temperature. Take your truckle out of the fridge about 30 minutes to an hour before you plan to eat it. This allows the flavours to fully develop and gives the cheese a softer, creamier texture.

  2. Examine the Rind: Depending on the type of cheese, the rind can be edible or inedible. With Cheddar truckles, the rind is often waxed to protect the cheese as it ages. It’s important to note that the wax on our truckles cannot be eaten. This wax rind should be removed before eating. Use a small knife to carefully cut around the top of the truckle, then peel the wax away.

  3. Slice or Wedge It: Once the rind is removed, you can slice the truckle into wedges or slices, depending on your preference. Start by cutting the truckle in half, then into quarters, and so on, until you have the desired number of pieces. The small size of a 200g truckle makes it easy to share, but it’s also a manageable amount to enjoy by yourself over a few days.

  4. Pair It with Accompaniments: Cheddar pairs beautifully with a variety of foods. Consider serving it with crisp apple slices, grapes, or a dollop of chutney. Crackers or a fresh baguette can also complement the cheese’s flavour. If you’re in the mood for something savoury, try pairing your Cheddar with cured meats or pickles.

  5. Enjoy with a Beverage: Cheddar truckles, especially aged varieties, pair wonderfully with a wide range of beverages. A robust red wine, a crisp cider, or even a dark beer can enhance the cheese’s sharp, tangy notes.

  6. Savour the Experience: Don’t rush through eating your truckle. Take small bites, let the cheese melt slightly on your tongue, and savour the complexity of flavours. This is particularly important with artisanal cheeses, where each bite can offer a different taste sensation.

Final Thoughts

Eating a truckle of cheese isn’t just about consuming food; it’s about enjoying an experience. Whether you’re indulging in a 200g Cheddar truckle or exploring other types, taking the time to appreciate the craftsmanship behind the cheese will make your culinary journey all the more enjoyable.

So, the next time you come across a truckle of cheese, you’ll know exactly what to do. And remember, there’s no such thing as a silly question when it comes to savouring the good things in life—like a perfect piece of cheese. Just don’t forget to remove the wax before diving in!

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